What Supplies Do I Need for My ID Card Printer?

What Supplies Do I Need for My ID Card Printer?

If you're new to the ID card scene, you may wonder what you need to set up a full-scale employee or student photo badge solution. You're sure you'll need an ID card printer and some cards, but everything beyond that isn't quite clear.

We put together a handy checklist to help make sure you're fully stocked and ready to ramp up your ID card process as soon as you get your new printer.

ID Card Software

Take the headaches and worry out of trying to create professional looking ID cards from scratch. Find an ID card software program with easy-to-use templates to help you design and print fantastic looking badges in minutes instead of hours.

Plastic ID Cards

Not all ID cards are created equal. Choose a high-quality card to ensure your printer creates a professional ID badge that functions well and looks great. Don't try to save on supplies by purchasing low quality cards that could end up costing you far more in printer repairs. Stick to the cards recommended by your printer vendor and stock up so you don't run out.

Printer Ribbons

Printer ribbons vary based on the make and model of your ID card printer. Every manufacturer recommends genuine manufacturer supplies like ribbons for their printers. Depending on if you have a direct-to-card or a retransfer printer, you'll choose the appropriate one for your make and model. Beware before stocking up on manufacturer ribbons, though, that they have a shelf life. We recommend keeping ribbons for only a year to get the best quality IDs.

Cleaning Kit

Similar to ribbons, cleaning kits vary by manufacturer, so choose genuine manufacturer supplies for your printer make and model. Each kit comes with everything you need to keep your printer clean and in good condition to extend its life cycle. As with ribbons, cleaning kits have a shelf life of a year or less. Plan on cleaning your ID card printer every time you change the ribbon.

Laminates or Holographic Overlays

Not all ID card solutions include a laminating module. But if yours does, you must stock up on laminating film or retransfer film, depending on your ID card printer make and model. You can also purchase secure holographic overlays that cover your cards with tamper-proof holograms to deter fraudulent copies.

ID Camera

An ID camera works specifically with a software program to make designing and printing professional quality employee or student IDs a breeze. If you use a regular digital camera, note you'll spend time moving, cropping, resizing, and inserting your pictures to fit your card design. An ID camera performs those functions for you.

Badge Holders

Depending on how you want students or employees to display their ID cards, you'll need some type of badge holder, a lanyard, or a badge reel. If you're using badge holders with an alligator clip at the end, you'll also need a slot punch to attach the cards to the holders. This is a common scenario with lanyards, badge reels, and other card holders.

Scanners or Readers

If you're using technology like bar codes, smart cards, or proximity cards, you'll need scanners or readers to access the technology. For example, you have a bar code on the back of your student ID that lets the cardholder check out library books. You'll need a scanner in the library to scan the card and access the student's account.

Extended Warranty

Protect your investment in an ID card solution by purchasing an extended warranty. Not only is your ID card printer covered beyond the manufacturer's warranty, but you'll get a loaner printer should yours need serviced. This eliminates the downtime a service call or repair can cause. If you rely on your ID card printer, this could be the game-changing purchase.

Final Thoughts

Don't be overwhelmed by this checklist. At Idesco, we take the hassle out of supplies. Call one of our amazing ID Experts at 212-889-2530 to get the right printer supplies for your make and model. We'll make sure whatever ID card solution you have, you're fully stocked and ready to go.

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